Welcome to MediaSeal. Our platform uses the Solana blockchain to securely store checksums of your media files, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of your photos and videos. By utilizing blockchain technology, we can help combat deepfake and unauthorized modifications.

Important Privacy Notice: All checksums are calculated locally on your device. No media files are ever sent to our servers or stored on the web. Only the resulting checksum is securely stored on the blockchain.

Wallet Connected
Account Created
Checksum Uploaded

Step 1: Connect Wallet

Step 2: Create Account

Step 3: Upload Checksum

About MediaSeal

MediaSeal is an innovative solution that leverages blockchain technology to verify the integrity of digital media content. Our project is built upon recent research in blockchain-based media verification, addressing the growing concern of deepfakes and media manipulation.

Key features of MediaSeal include:

Our work is inspired by and builds upon the following research:

For more information, source code, and documentation, visit our GitHub repository or Reddit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we use the Solana blockchain?
The Solana blockchain is known for its high speed and low transaction costs, making it an ideal choice for storing media checksums securely and efficiently. By using the blockchain, we ensure that the checksums are immutable and publicly verifiable, which helps prevent deepfakes and unauthorized modifications.
Why do we need to connect a wallet?
Connecting a wallet allows us to authenticate your identity and link your media checksums to your account securely. It also enables you to manage your assets and transactions on the blockchain.
Why do we need to create an account and upload payload?
Creating an account on the blockchain allows us to store your media checksums securely. Uploading the checksum payload ensures that your media files are registered on the blockchain, making it easy to verify their authenticity.
What is the commission that will be paid?
When you upload a checksum, a small commission is paid to cover the transaction costs on the Solana network. This fee helps maintain the network's security and performance. Another small fee is paid to the developer, in order to cover the development and updates made on the platform.
What hash type is used and how can I calculate it locally?
We use the SHA-256 hash algorithm to calculate checksums. You can calculate this hash locally on your PC using various methods:
  • On Windows, use PowerShell: Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path "path\to\your\file"
  • On macOS or Linux, use the terminal: shasum -a 256 /path/to/your/file
  • There are also many online tools and software applications that can calculate SHA-256 hashes for files.
Always ensure you're using a trusted method to calculate your hash.
Is my media file uploaded to your servers?
No, your media file is never uploaded to our servers. The checksum calculation is performed entirely on your device (client-side). Only the resulting hash (checksum) is sent to be stored on the blockchain. This ensures your media remains private and secure on your own device while still allowing for verification of its integrity.
How does MediaSeal calculate checksums without uploading my files?
MediaSeal uses advanced web technologies to calculate checksums entirely within your browser:
  • When you select a file, it's processed using your device's resources, not our servers.
  • We use the File API and FileReader to access the file data locally.
  • The SHA-256 checksum is calculated using JavaScript in your browser.
  • Only this resulting checksum is sent to the blockchain for storage.
  • At no point is your actual media file uploaded or transmitted over the internet.
This approach ensures your media files remain private and secure on your device while still allowing for blockchain-based verification of their integrity.